Epic Safety Inc. Code of Conduct
Epic Safety’s business Code of Conduct is the foundation under all we do here in the company. As the company grows and seeks further success, we will continue to be mindful of our ethical principles and conduct ourselves with the highest integrity.
The Code of Conduct lays out the ethical principles that we stand by:
We strive to be as candid as possible, and we will never intentionally mislead anyone. Information will be openly shared as appropriate to the situation and the relationship.
We strive to honour all commitments that we make and we will not make promises on behalf of Epic Safety Inc. unless we have the authority to do so.
We value and consider the contributions and views of others, no matter the differences. We will be open in our communication and receptive to ideas, while holding others in high regard.
We will not take unfair advantage of anyone (employees, business partners, suppliers, customers, distributors, competitors), through manipulation, misrepresentation, abuse of private information or any other unfair practices.
We aim to be a company that understands the needs of other and actively tries to meet and respond to these needs as much as possible. As a company that operates in the medical and life safety industry, we will act in ways that are aligned with the products we sell, including being involved in the community and philanthropy.
We will adhere to Epic Safety’s ethical principles, even when faced with personal, professional and social risks, in addition to economic pressures.
The policies presented in this Code of Conduct apply to everyone in Epic Safety Inc.: all directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, and representatives (all collectively referred to as “employees” or “you” in the Code). Violations of the Code are subject to discipline, which may include termination.
Epic Safety Inc.
Epic Safety’s most valuable asset are our employees:
As such, we treat all employees with dignity, respect and justice, taking into consideration their different cultural sensitivities. We will not discriminate against employees on the grounds of race, religion, age, nationality, sex or any other personal or social condition different from the conditions of merit and capacity. At Epic Safety Inc. we look to achieve the occupational integration of persons with incapacities or handicaps. We will not tolerate any form of violence, harassment or abuse at the workplace.
We strive to promote the professional development, training and promotion of employees. And we also link remuneration and the promotion of employees to their conditions of merit and capacity. We recognise the rights of association, union membership and collective negotiation.
Employee Conduct
As employees are the representatives of the Company, we will act with honesty and integrity, and in such a manner that will reflect favourably on the company, regardless of outside pressures. Employees will carry out all activities in a professional, ethical and responsible manner. We will comply and demand compliance with the Code of Ethics, and, to that end, make the Code known.
Conflicts of Interest
Employees will strive to work towards the interests of the company when acting on behalf and in representation thereof and will not use corporate assets in their own benefit, except with prior authorisation from the relevant corporate bodies and in exchange for consideration deemed appropriate on the market.
Employees should seek to avoid any situations that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest between the company’s interest and our own personal interest. An employee’s decisions over the course of their employment with Epic Safety Inc. should be based on the best interest of the Company, and not their own. Some common situations where a conflict of interest may arise include:
– serving as a director, employee or contractor for a competitor or a company that has a business relationship with Epic Safety
– having a financial interest in a customer, supplier or competitor of Epic Safety
– receiving some good or service of value from a customer, supplier or competitor beyond nominal gifts or entertainment that arise in the normal course of business (e.g. a meal or a coffee)
– indirectly or directly using an opportunity discovered during your role with Epic Safety for personal benefit rather than for the company’s benefit
Employees will also immediately notify the appropriate administrative body as to any situation which could give rise to a conflict of interest between the company and the individual interest of the employees. Above all, our actions must comply with local laws.
Epic Safety Inc. will comply with all applicable local laws and regulations. All employees have the responsibility to adhere to the standards and rules imposed by these laws and regulations, with particular attention paid to those related to financial and accounting laws:
Accounting Practices
Epic Safety Inc. complies with and demands compliance with generally accepted accounting standards and principles, and will establish risk management and control systems that are appropriate for this company.
Employees will keep the books and ledgers in an accurate and honest manner, to allow decisions to be made with informed and responsible financial information. We will provide all auditors of the company with the necessary information and explanations that are required for them to carry out their work easily and accurately.
We will also maintain licit and respectful relationships with public authorities and institutions, not accepting or offering gifts or commissions in cash or in kind.
We will make contributions to political parties or public institutions only in accordance with prevailing legislation and, in any case, guaranteeing transparency. We will never directly or indirectly make a payment, with any item of value, to government-related personnel in order to obtain or retain business or receive improper advantages.
Suppliers and Clients
We will maintain ethical and legal relationships with our suppliers and distributors. We will seek out suppliers whose business practices respect human dignity and rights, are compliant with local laws, and do not negatively impact our company reputation. Our suppliers are selected on the basis of the appropriateness of their products, their prices, delivery conditions, and quality.
We aspire to provide excellence in the goods and services that we provide that exceeds our clients and consumers’ expectation.
Our products and services are guaranteed and we will deal with consumer and client claims with efficiency; our aim is to achieve satisfaction beyond mere compliance with current legislation.
We will not be influenced by gifts from suppliers or distributors. Gifts or commissions, whether in cash or in kind, will not be accepted. It is our Company policy to discourage any gifts, directly or indirectly, as they can be mistaken to be an attempt to influence our business decisions. However, gifts of a promotional nature or gifts of nominal value are acceptable as long as they do not involve the Company committing to a business transaction.
An occasional meal or dinner, paid for by suppliers or distributors, is permitted as long as it is in the normal course of business and is not excessive or unusual in nature. Gifts should also not be solicited from suppliers.
Epic Safety Inc. will not abuse a dominant or privileged market position. We will compete in good faith with other companies and abstain from engaging in unfair practices in order to foster mutual respect between competitors. We will not use unethical methods to take clients from other competitors.
Social Responsibility:
We respect human rights and democratic institutions, and promote them wherever possible. We maintain the principle of political neutrality, without interfering politically in those communities where they carry out their activities, also as a demonstration of respect for the different opinions and sensitivities of people related to the company.
We will continuously review and update our policies, and we reserve the right to amend this code at any time, for any reason, subject to applicable law.